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Marco’s story: Once Upon a Time, There Was an Invisible Patient

Once upon a time, there was a 42-year-old man named Marco. A brilliant professional, a loving father, but to the world, first and foremost, an man with obesity. When he entered a room, it wasn’t his smile that was noticed, nor his skills—it was his extra weight. A silent shadow followed him, made of judgmental glances, whispered remarks, and rushed diagnoses. Every medical visit seemed to boil down to a single prescription: “You need to lose weight.” No one asked why that weight was there, no one wondered what battles he was fighting.

Then, one day, everything changed. Marco walked into my office with a look of resignation. But this time, I didn’t start with the scale. I started with him. I asked him about his childhood, his relationship with food, his sleepless nights, and his struggle to breathe. I talked to him about the hunger hormone, insulin resistance, and the neuroendocrine alterations that make obesity a disease, not a fault. For the first time, Marco realized that he wasn’t the one who was broken. The systems around him were—a healthcare system that often oversimplifies, a society that reduces everything to “Eat less, move more.”

That day, Marco started a journey. Not just of weight loss, but of self-discovery. Change Starts with Stories Today, every time I see a patient like Marco, I wonder how many more invisible people are out there. How many still carry the burden of stigma along with their body weight. I am a doctor. I believe in science. But I also believe in the right words, in respect, in listening that heals just as much as a medication. That’s why I’m sharing this story today. Because obesity is not a choice; it’s a disease. Because the narrative needs to change—from waiting rooms to healthcare policy discussions. The question is not “Why are you living with obesity?”, but “How can I help you?”

�� Challenge the stigma.

�� Change the narrative.

�� Bring science to the heart of people.

Together, we can make a difference.

Latest Stories and Events

WOD at St. Andrew Hospital

We are holding an Open Day for World Obesity Day and will conduct BIA measurement with Inbody770 for coworkers. If someone is interested in finding out more about nutrition therapy, we will be available with special advice for individuals.

Solemn Session on Obesity - Chamber of Deputies, Brasília

Solemn Session in March 2025, in commemoration of WORLD OBESITY DAY, will take place in the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília, on March 18, at 11 am, Brazil time.

Free Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Coaching - for Obesity Prevention & NCDs Management

Slim-Me-Go Health Foundation (India) are proudly joining the World Obesity Day 2025 movement on March 4th, 2025. As part of our commitment, we will be offering a "Free Health & Lifestyle Coaching Program" focused on Obesity Prevention and Sustainable idle healthy weight management, running on World Obesity Day 2025 itself and continuing throughout March 2025.

Iluminemos México

En el marco del World Obesity Day - México, la Sociedad Mexicana de Obesidad (SMO), ¡Te invita a unirte a nosotros este 4 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m. en la Ciudad de México!. ¡Nos vemos en el encuentro!