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İzmir Metropolitan Municipality - World Obesity Day Awareness Video

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality prepared a video to draw attention to obesity, raise awareness, and announce its services within the scope of March 4 World Obesity Day activities and will share it on social media.

Eşrefpaşa Hospital, which is affiliated with İzmir Metropolitan Municipality and serves entirely under the municipality, is the only municipal hospital in Turkey. The obesity polyclinic of Eşrefpaşa Hospital, which is affiliated with the Department of Health Affairs, treats individuals with obesity through multidisciplinary teamwork. In addition, obesity trainings are given to the public at various locations across the city by health professionals affiliated with the Health Trainings Unit.

Tomorrow, we will be sharing this awareness video we have prepared. If you visit the link below, you will be able to watch the video we have created for World Obesity Day. View publication

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Iluminemos México

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